
Wreck Raiders

Created by Kids Table Board Gaming

Draft your dice, place your workers into the glittering sea, and collect treasures from a seafloor overflowing with pirate shipwrecks.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We Made It! Stretch Goal #3!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Jul 05, 2018 at 02:05:01 AM

Hello Divers,

With $19 229CAD pledged, 192% funded, 518 backers, and 20 days to go, we have reached our next stretch goal! We can't thank you enough backers! 

Welcome to all of our new backers! You are in for a real treat!!

Let's Take a Look at What We've Unlocked


Stunning custom shaped Baubles are now ours!!!! I am so excited about this Stretch Goal!! The Baubles just look so much better with custom cuts.

What's Next

When we reach $22 000CAD we will turn the meeples into old time diver shaped meeples. This Stretch Goal will make the game so much more thematic!


What We're Working Toward


Two more stunning Aquarium tiles featuring a beautiful Manta Ray and scary Anglerfish! The Anglerfish is one of our favourite animals. It is so interesting and mysterious. 

Did you know?

Reef Mantas can dive 624 meters (2,047 feet) deep. Researchers are still not completely sure why they need to dive so deep. Conservation International and many partners in Indonesia are currently trying to find out if their behaviour might be related to the lunar cycle.

The Anglerfish lives in the Earth's most inhospitable habitat: the bottom of the Atlantic and Antarctic seas. Only female Anglerfish have the dorsal spine that comes out of their heads and hangs over their mouths. The lighted dorsal spine attracts the Anglerfish's prey. Anglerfish have mouths so big that they can actually swallow prey up to twice their own size.

For more information on the Reef Manta research project, click here.

For more information on the Anglerfish, click here.

Happy Birthday

Today is Tim W.K. Brown's birthday. Tim is one of the co-designers of Wreck Raiders. We're happy to celebrate this special day with him. Let's give him another stretch goal to celebrate!!

In honour of his birthday, I tweeted this tweet. Retweet it if you want to share in wishing Tim the best of days!

Board Game Geek

If you haven't seen it already, we have a beautiful Aquarium spread up on If you have a second, give it a thumb. Click on the image below to do it!


Until we unlock our next Stretch Goal, go raid that wreck!

Helaina and the KTBG Family